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Mehmet Cem Yücel

Technical Writings.
Architecture, Security, Java, Golang, Devops, Microservices, Spring Boot, Kafka, Distributed Systems and Blockchain


bellek hardware buffer saha tampon türkçe yazılım blog blogger mehmet cem yücel fare kontrol interop services API microsoft student partner gençsen geleceksin java transaction rollback jpa hibernate hata c# c dns değiştirme regedit outofmemoryerror exception error mutable immutable type nedir static statik kod code analiz analysis tools araçları findbugs sonarqube sonarlint design tasarım patterns paternleri chain responsibility jvm final keyword heap memory eclipse debug debugging koşullu şartlı conditional breakpoint daemon thread memory bellek formatter true false sql style ide dma direct access dlt distributed legder blockchain bitcoin genesis block satoshi blockchainturk hyperledger utxo unspent output encryption şifreleme simetrik asimetrik anahtarlama futures service örnek hash fonksiyon merkle root kök ağacı distributed legder proof of work smart contract akıllı sözleşme cryptocurrency digital para proof of stake pok pow work centralized decentralized consensus network byzantine bizans general sanal dijital kripto solidity fee gas nasıl yapılır spring boot slf4j log4j log logback spring devtools docker remote microservices mikroservis Spring Boot Maven Docker Plugin Dockerize Container Image CD CI Spotify lombok intellij entegre data getter setter jasypt encoding decoding decryption twelve factor 12 faktör cloud microservice codebase maven service mesh circuit breaker load balancer kubernetes istio sidecar proxy rest entegrasyon integration test mockmvc unit junit classrule rule rulechain dry yagni kiss mockito mapstruct mapper object mapper quarkus graalvm ahead of time aot just in time jit compiler native image podcast istanbul jug garbage collector hotspot openjdk amazon corretto openj9 llvm authentication authorization keycloak xacml sso oauth2 oauth openid connect protokol security single sign on kerberos federation openid connect ldap saml oidc feign client boot resttemplate spring native api best practices http web service rest service go golang loki elk timeseries database loglama kafka streams topic queue message broker ktable rocksdb rocks store stateful operations reduce aggregation count tumbling sliding windowing user credentials passwords decryption hashing digest SHA-256 SHA512 MD5 is safe rainbow tables salt salting peppering schema vault english mehmet cem yucel hashing güvenilir mi tuzlama


mehmet cem yücel

interop services


memory bellek

